Thursday, March 1, 2012

Cold Weather and Snow Anyone?

At the risk of jeopardizing things, Mother Nature has given us a very quiet winter. With the distinct exceptions of Halloween and Leap Year Day, we have been given very little in the way of snow fall or in the way of cold weather. Perhaps you even saw spring flowers making their way up or a golf friend getting ready for some March tee times. For us as home or condo owners, the question is… what does this weather mean for us?

Depending on where you live and how you operate, you may plow your own driveway or hire a neighborhood kid to help shovel. Perhaps you hire it out to a contractor or perhaps you are part of an association that does it for you. The question for homeowners this year is “Do you pay by the storm?” if the answer to that is yes, then you may be in the money as it relates to that part of your budget. If you are part of an association you may want to ask the home owners or condo association how they budget and contract.

Flower confusion aside the warmer weather has also meant a gentler heating season than in years past. Foreign and domestic oil volatility has kept prices high, but the net affect for most home owners is a more favorable heating season. Perhaps you purchased a few cord of wood, and only used some of it. Or perhaps you only needed to fill the tank once or partially instead of a few times. No matter what we hope that you have come out ahead.

If you have been the beneficiary of some unspent fuel or snow plow budget funds how are you going to allocate them? In a recent WMUR article, the State Department of Transportation is going to use the unspent snow plowing monies on road improvements that otherwise would have been pushed back. Can we as homeowners do the same?

Where can we invest these dollars to earn more value? Can the extra money you saved go to improvements such as better insulation in your attic? What about looking into weather stripping around your doors or windows? What about recycling the old AC window unit and purchasing a more efficient one.

If you are part of a home owners association or a condo association, ask the board or the management company what these unspent dollars could be used for around the grounds.

Mother Nature may not be through with us just yet, but if she decides to let the flowers grow and we are fortunate enough to walk away with a few dollars in our pocket, think of what we can do to help next winter.

Chris Norwood

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