Sunday, July 1, 2012

How secure is your home?

According to the US Department of Justice a home is burglarized every 15 seconds. A typical homeowner stands to lose approximately $2000 in stolen good or property damage. With the economy at its worse, burglary has become a more common crime. A few simple tips can help your home from being invaded.

1. Bushes, shrubs and trees can offer an intruder a place to hide, trim back any overgrown vegetation so that your home’s windows, porches and doors are visible to neighbors & passerbies.

2. “Window Shopping” is one way criminals choose potential targets, use shades, drapes and other window treatments to keep tempting household items out of view.

3. Putting out boxes from a new flat screen TV, laptop, video game system etc., shows a potential burglar what new and valuable items are now available in your home

4. Have plenty of lighting around your home in the evening such as motion sensing security lighting detector. A sudden change from darkness to bright light will not only startle intruders but also alert the homeowner or neighbor.

5. Use timers that are hooked to outdoor lights as well as radios or televisions, burglars do not want to be confronted by anyone in the home, if they hear sounds of activity they will move on.

6. 60% of all burglaries take place at the ground floor doors and windows. Install deadbolts keyed on both sides on exterior entry doors and protective barriers such as ¼ “Plexiglas over existing glass windows.

7. Do not post on face book or other social media’s that you are going to be away or on vacation.

8. Do not leave vehicles unlocked while parked in your driveway or garage

9. Have someone check on your property if you are going to be away, in many instances your local police department will check on your property.

10. Have someone collect your mail and newspapers; these are other criteria’s burglars use when looking for a home to vandalize.

Most importantly the best form of protection is common sense; lock all doors and windows when leaving your home it’s the simplest and best thing anyone can do to protect your home.

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